Monday, March 16, 2009

Post 5 Question

Will all the characters and their stories merge in ways other than the Haggadah or is that the only thing they all have in common?


  1. I don't think the characters will merge physically since they live in different time periods. I view Hanna as the one thing that has merged them together since she has uncovered their past. It seems many of the characters didn't know the inportance of the Haggadah when they protected it.

  2. But couldn't any of the charaters traced anything that Hanna found before them?
    It's possible since a lot of scholars have handeled the book.
    But I guess you are right.
    Hanna is the main connection, and Sarajevo is another element that a lot of the characters have in common.

  3. How are the priest and the rabbi connected to Sarajevo? I haven't finsihed the chapter yet so they may be but I don't remember that. All the characters find at least one part of the Haggadah to be beautifully crafted. They all love the artwork, even if its just the clasps.

  4. I dont think that Sarajevo is a element that the characters would have in common. The book had traveled most of Europe starting in Seville and ending in Sarajevo. And Hanna might be one of the main things connecting the characters to each other story. I think that the Haggadah and each character's goal to preserve it, even Hanna, was what made everything flow together.

  5. I agree that their goal to protect the Haggadah connects the characters. Even theough most don't understand the significance, they all protect it. I think its interesting how the chapter may focus on a character who may not be the one to directly protect the Haggadah, but their life is connected some how to the one who does.

  6. I like what Nathalie and Aimee said about the characters all wanting to protect it. I'm not to far in the book but I also think all the characters who save the book have religion as a big part of their life.

  7. What Jack said about the people who save the book having religion as a big part of their life is interesting. Maybe even if they're not Jewish, they're motivated to save it because they know that if the one of their old sacred texts was at risk, they would want it saved.

  8. Yes, I guess that there is not much "physical" merging of characters, but I do think that the setting, religious views and love for books are all commanalities between the characters. Also the location.
