Monday, March 2, 2009

Aimee- Week Two: Setting

At first I found the settings in this book to be confusing. Hanna begins in Australia and then travels to Sarajevo. She also has traveled to Boston during the story so far. She travels everywhere and talks about the history of countries as well. Many of the countries she talks about have changed name or nationality in the past which kept me slightly confused about which country was being discussed. I thought the author’s description was very interesting. I liked how she discussed how beautiful Sarajevo used to be before the war. Then the war took beauty out of the country. Also I liked how she described the mountains that Lola ran away too. I could sense the cold air and chilly mountains. I really liked how she described the Muslim couple’s home with all the books lying about.


  1. I get your confusion about the transition between countries. I often get wound up too. Especially amongst the European countries, sometimes, I loose track of where we are. I still think the occasional confusion is worth the different settings though.

  2. I was espeically confused at first about Sarajevo but now we have covered it in AP euro. It belonged to the Ottoman empire until just before the beginings of World War I. Then it was given independence. Soon after Austria took it but the people in Sarajevo didn't want to be part of Austria. So then one man from Sarajevo killed the emperor of Austria.

  3. I don't take AP Euro, so I am really grateful that you explained that. It really clears things up now. No wonder there are Muslims, Christians and Jews roaming around. So, now what is Sarajevo a part of?

  4. Sarajevo is now part of Bosnia I believe and Bosnia is part of Europe. I think the Muslims are there from when Bosnia was part of the Ottoman empire. The jews are there probably because they could seek refuge there. Also it's one of the European countries closest to Isreal at the time. The Christians are probably there from Austria. Sarajevo is sort of in the middle of many religous "teritories".

  5. Wow, I really want to take AP Euro now. It’s is really helpful. Maybe the author should have included this kind of information in the book. Not everyone takes AP Euro. Thanks Aimee, I really understand the book better. It makes a lot more sense now that everyone does not just happened to be bunched up in one city.

  6. I am also sometimes confused by the different settings, but i try to put the settings with each person, and their demeanor. I think the settings help to develop the characters, like Lola's transition from her home to the rugged countryside and back.

  7. I like what you said about how the author describes the setting. I also liked how the author described each setting and I think it keeps the book from getting too confusing.

  8. I also think the setting gets confusing and sometimes even hard to follow. but the description of each new place is worth the confusion.
